Monday 30 May 2011

Pulmonary Talcosis

Pulmonary Talcosis Clinical Features:
  • May initially have non-specific respiratory symptoms.
  • Examination may show finger clubbing & respiratory crackles.
  • Condition may progress even after exposure has halted.
  • More severe symptoms with disease progression include dyspnoea, hypoxaemia & eventually pulmonary hypertension with cor pulmonale.
Talcosis Radiological Features:
  • May be pleural plaques similar to asbestos plaques.
  • The plaques will often involve the diaphragm, & also occasionally the pericardium.
  • Interstitial disease pattern - reticular or nodular, which may appear like asbestosis.
  • May develop confluent masses.
Talcosis Aetiological Factors:
  • Exposure may be either inhalational or intravenous.
  • Industrial settings - mining, milling, rubber industry.
  • High exposure from personal talcum powder use.
  • Heroin use - where talc is used as an adulterant.
Talcosis Pathophysiology:
  • Talc is hydrated magnesium silicate.
  • Related to silicosis in view of silicate composition.
  • Talc may cause disease in association with other minerals, as there is often contamination with silica, or asbestos.
Image Details: Granulomatous inflammation of the lung secondary to a foreign body reaction in heroin intravenous drug use (IVDU), foreign material demonstrated as talc, H&E stain. By Nephron on Wikipedia (cc)
Tags: Asbestos - Heroin - IVDU - Magnesium Silicate - Milling - Mining - Silica - Silicosis - Talcosis - Inhalational Talcosis - Talcosis
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