Spontaneous Pneumothorax Causes

  • Idiopathic - majority of causes
  • Air Space Disorder - Bullae, Cysts, Emphysema
  • Airways Obstruction - Asthma, Chronic airflow obstruction
  • Connective Tissue Disorder - Ehler's-Danlos syndromes, Marfan's syndrome
  • Generalised Lung Disease - Eosinophilic granuloma, Pneumoconiosis, Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Localised Lung Disease - Hydatid disease, Lung abscess, TB, Tumour
  • Mediastinal Emphysema - Decompression of divers
  • Recurs in 20% when no underlying lung disease identified.
  • Recurrence rate of more than 50% in patients with chronic lung disease.

Image: Left Tension Pneumothorax
Image Credit: by Clinical Cases on Wikipedia (cc)
Tags: Asthma - Bullae - Ehler's-Danlos syndrome - Hydatid Disease - Marfan's syndrome - Pneumoconiosis - Pneumothorax - Pulmonary Fibrosis - TB - Tumour
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Saturday 4 December 2010

Recurrent Pulmonary Infiltrates - Same Area Of Lung

Bronchiectasis - Congenital or acquired
Bronchogenic cyst - recurrent infections
Broncho-oesophageal fistula - ie neoplastic
Bronchopulmonary sequestration - recurrent infections
Local bronchial narrowing:
* Intraluminal - broncholith, foreign body
* Endobronchial - neoplasm
* Peribronchial - lymph nodes, mediastinal mass

Tags: Bronchiectasis - Bronchogenic Cyst - Broncho-oesophageal Fistula - Bronchopulmonary Sequestration - Infection - Mediastrinal Mass - Neoplasm - Pulmonary Infiltrate
Posted by Medicalchemy
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Sunday 7 November 2010

Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis (LIP)

LIP General Facts:
  • Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis (LIP) is a lymphoproliferative lung disorder.
  • Pathologically there is diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells & immunoblasts along lymphatics & in alveolar septae.
  • Diagnosis - open lung biopsy, with above histological features & infection excluded.
LIP Clinical Features:
  • Uncommon.
  • No obvious cause apparent.
  • Presents with cough, dyspnoea & fever.
  • Tends to occur earlier rather than later in the course of HIV infection.
LIP Radiological Examination:
Chest Xray:
  • May be normal.
  • Typically reveals reticular or nodular infiltrates.
  • Infiltrates predominantly basilar in location.
CT Chest:
  • Peribronchovascular nodules (2-4 mm in diameter).
  • Ground glass opacities may be present.
LIP Prognosis:
  • Varies from benign course (with spontaneous resolution or stabilisation) to respiratory failure.
Tags: HIV infection - LIP - Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis - Open Lung Biopsy
Posted by Medicalchemy
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Friday 5 November 2010

Eggshell Calcification Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy

Eggshell Calcification Definition:
  • Mediastinal lymphadenopathy where the periphery of the nodes are calcified - eggshell calcification.
  • Sometimes the central portions may also show calcification.
  • The ringlike shadow must be complete in at least one of the lymph nodes to fulfil the radiological criteria.
Important Causes:
  • Coal worker's pneumoconiosis
  • Lymphoma
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Silicosis
Other rare causes:
  • Amyloidosis
  • Blastomycosis
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Scleroderma
  • Tuberculosis
Tags: Amyloidosis - Blastomycosis - Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis - Eggshell Calcification - Histoplasmosis - Lymphoma - Sarcoidosis - Scleroderma - Silicosis - Tuberculosis
Posted by Medicalchemy
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Pneumonia With Hilar Lymphadenopathy - Causes

General causes:
  • Any post-obstructive pneumonia
Viral causes:
  • Ebstein-Barr virus
  • Rubella
  • Varicella
Chlamydial causes:
  • Chlamydia psittaci
Rickettsial causes:
  • Q-fever
Bacterial causes:
  • Anthrax
  • Bubonic plague
  • Tuberculosis, primary
  • Tularaemia
  • Whooping cough
Fungal causes:
  • Coccidioidomycosis
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Sporotrichosis
Parasitic causes:
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
Tags: Anthrax - Bubonic Plague - Coccidioidomycosis - EBV - Chlamydia psittaci - Histoplasmosis - Q-fever - Rubella - Sporotrichosis - Toxoplasmosis - Tuberculosis - Tularaemia - Varicella - Whooping Cough
Posted by Medicalchemy
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Wednesday 3 November 2010

Bronchiolitis Classification

Bronchiolitis Classification Listed (A to Z):
  • Acute bronchiolitis - esp respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • BOOP - primary or secondary
  • Chronic bronchiolitis
  • Cigarette-induced respiratory bronchiolitis
  • Constrictive bronchiolitis (bronchiolitis obliterans) - primary or secondary
  • Diffuse panbronchiolitis
  • Extrabronchiolar disease (assoc bronchiolocentric infiltrates
  • Follicular bronchiolitis
Image: Acute Bronchiolitis (Histopathology)
Image Source: by Pulmonary Pathology on flickr (cc)
Tags: Acute Bronchiolitis - BOOP - Bronchiolitis - Bronchiolitis Obliterans - Cigarette - Histopathology - Respiratory Syncytial Virus - RSV
Posted by Medicalchemy
Medicalchemy Group: History of Medicine - Images - Mnemonics - Syndromes - Anaesthesiology - Anatomy - Biochemistry - Cardiology - Dermatology - Drugs -
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